Monday, September 26, 2011

Thanks alot "People"

Just when you think it's safe to step out again, something happens that can just set you back 30 miles.

Last week, People magazine ran a cover story, primarily focusing on the hit "reality" show 'Toddlers and Tiaras" and how it's most recent episodes are showcasing how pageants are damaging our girls. 

Always remember, Glam or Glitz pageants are not the only events for children to enter. You can often find events that don't require make-up or false hair pieces. This cover story by People magazine really gives pageantry some unfair scrutiny. 
For every one over the top glitz pageant you see on television, I guarantee there are at least three or four out there that are fun, educational and self-esteem building.  Off of the top of my head I can think of Cinderella Pageants, Beary Special and Winter Snow Queen.   
Want more, do a simple Google search.  Just because a young girl has a chance to win a very large crown, doesn't automatically make it an over the top pageant.
Finally, when it's all said and done, who's really to blame, the pageants, the kids or THE PARENTS!?  Children can't purchase this stuff for themselves.  Because OF COURSE, a 4 year old WANTS to dress up like the hooker in Pretty Woman.
Come on People!

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