These days, almost every high school student has to complete community service hours before they can graduate. They make them do it, and honestly many of them end up enjoying it. But one thing I love about pageantry is it offers girls and young ladies many, many opportunities to do community service. They do this because they WANT to, not because they have too.
Danielle Mazzuchi, Miss Maryland High School America 2011, sent in this first hand account of her most recent community service and volunteer work. As a National Voices for Equality, Education and Enlightenment (NVEEE) Teen Mentor and Peace Ambassador, this was a great opportunity for her to promote her platform Anti-Bullying.
On Thursday, June 23, 2011, I attended the Usama Young Youth Foundation food drive at Largo High School, benefiting the National Capitol Area Food Bank. I cannot begin to explain how much fun I had with Usama Young himself. It is so nice to meet someone who no matter how big his name is in society, he remembers where he came from.
Usama Young, New Orleans Saints, & Danielle Mazzucchi, Miss Maryland High School America 2011
He upholds such humbleness that even for the first time meeting him, I felt as if have known him for longer than expected. Standing outside with all the volunteers, we were all talking and listening to music, getting ready to load the bus to take the donated goods to the warehouse in Washington DC.
I then heard that Delonte West of the Boston Celtics was there for his good friend Usama and I was introduced.
Delonte West, Boston Celtics, & Danielle Mazzucchi, Miss Maryland High School America 2011
These two men are the most down to earth people I have met, especially knowing that their name is in the limelight. We three spoke about topics that meant the most to us while instilling good moral values, and mine appropriately intertwined with Usama’s “Staying Focused” campaign. Mr. Young outlines all of the requirements that are necessary to succeed, especially coming from where he came from, whereas my platform of bullying is the reality within the classroom as well.
In short, my experience was not only amazing to volunteer for those less fortunate than I, but also gave me reassurance as to why I am proud to be from Maryland, because it is people like us that do not forget of our upbringing.
****Editors Note: Danielle also volunteered for Usama Young's 3rd Annual Stay Focused Weekend Football and Cheer Camp the following Saturday (June 25), assisting where needed and speaking to the cheerleaders during "Girl Talk" about bullying and diversity. Mr. Young provides this camp free of charge to students between the ages of 12 - 15. The camp was held at his alma mater, Largo High School, in Prince George's County, MD. You can learn more about Usama Young, his foundation and his work at
Way to go Danielle, a great way to be of service and spread a wonderful message! Those who help others, don't bully, think about it.