Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Eliminate the stress

If there's one thing I know for sure, 80% of the stress you feel when preparing for a pageant is brought on by ......................the competitor !!!  Yes, I said it and I meant it.

Yes, most pageants, whether local, state or national come with deadlines.  Yes, most pageants come with some financial requirements (ticket sales, ad pages, sponsorship, charitable donations). And yes, you want to go to a pageant and do your best.  But, there really is no need to stress to the point where you make yourself sick, loose weight or worst yet.... scour the internet to find and post damaging information on your competitors.

The single most important thing that you can do to prepare for your competition and put your best foot forward is plan!!!  It sounds simple and it really is.  Take a look at what you really need to do, the time frame you have and the resources you already posses.  Then ask yourself 1) do I need help?  2) Can I afford outside help or is this a D.I.Y. project?  3) If I don't ask for help, what's the worse that can happen?  4) Am I confident enough in myself to believe that I am doing my absolute best!?

Once you've answered those questions, move forward with your plan.  If you've decided to seek out help - make sure you give your resources PLENTY OF TIME TO HELP YOU!  Nothing says bad business like you rushing due to P.P.P (piss poor planning).

Finally, the most important way to eliminate stress.  ALWAYS remember, judges are people too - different judges, different day, different outcome! You never know what's going on in a judges' head. 

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