Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Show me the money!

I have said it before and I will say it again.  Pageantry is about so much more than just "looking pretty".  Successful competition in a pageant can open doors for a young lady that could lead to endless opportunities.  The confidence built by stepping out on a stage in front of hundreds of people to the people skills learned by spending a week or more with teenagers from all walks of life are skills taught in few places but required in many arenas.  On top of that, the money that can be earned through scholarships and scholastic awards rival any athletic scholarship program.

Lacy Russ, Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2011
Last month, one beautiful and talented young lady from Oklahoma earned a $30,000 scholarship.   Lacy Russ, a rising senior at Cordell High School in Cordell, Oklahoma was crowned Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2011.  Her talent in the competition was piano and she reportedly played an amazing "piece that was a combination of Bach's Prelude XXI  and Beethoven's Sonata Pathetique and spoke of her platform P.U.R.E Excellence". (MAOT website).   

Other winners in the pageant including the court (1st - 4th runners up) and top 10 finalists won awards ranging from $1,500 - $15,000.   There were several other cash prizes such as: Scholastics Excellence Award (Highest GPA), Outstanding Achievement in Academic Life (GPA + Resume), B. Don Magness Spirit of America Award (Provided by the MAOT Sorority) and Non-finalist Interview Award $500 to name a few. 

Another opportunity exists for young ladies, high school aged, to earn approximately $10,000 in scholarship funds.   Earlier this year Carlina Romero of Columbia, SC was crowned Miss High School America 2010.  The pageant, which is held in Branson, Missouri offers "exists for the purpose of providing personal and professional opportunities for high school girls. It is our goal to provide outstanding high school girls the opportunity to compete in a pageant system that has the highest of moral values." (Miss High School America website).    Unlike the MAOTeen pageant, there is no talent requirement with contestants instead Miss High School America contestants compete in: Opening Number,” “Fun Fashion,” “Evening Gown,” and the “Interview.” 

Whether it's through main stream channels like Miss America's Outstanding Teen (and it's local and state competitions) & Miss High School America or smaller avenues like Miss Elks Lodge or Little Miss Flower Bed, always remember one benefit of participating and succeeding in pageantry could be "show me the money".  If you're not sure where to start there are goo-gabs of consultants, coaches, make-up artists, directors, etc. that can definitely help put you on the right path, just ask one of them.

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