Friday, February 5, 2010

White, white everywhere

Sitting in the house watching what will soon amount to 24-30" of snow in the area has me thinking bout the notion that white evening gowns always win Mrs. pageants.  During the last decade, many a coach told their clients that "if you want to win, you must wear a white gown".  Suffice it to say, there were plenty of visual statistics to back up that claim.  Women all over ran out in droves to purchase a white evening gown, so much so that finals night stages often looked like a winter wonderland.

Andrea Preuss, who was crowned Mrs. United States 2003 and Mrs. America 2006, wore a white evening gown in both national pageants.

Four of the last 10 Mrs. United States winners, in addition to Andrea, all competed in white gowns: Edrienne Carpenter (2004), Dr. Chiann Gibson (2005), Stephanie Hunt (2007) & Tammy Johns (2009).

Stephanie Hunt, Mrs. United States 2007
Along with Mrs. America 2005, several other ladies also competed in white evening gowns and won the national title - Heidi Dinan (2003), Julie Love-Templeton (2004) &; Kelly McBee (2007).
  Julie Love-Templeton, Mrs. America 2004
White has definitely been the gown of choice on the national level as well as on the state level.  Take a look through a myriad of Mrs. pageants and look at the past winners.  Chances are most of the winning ladies competed in white gowns.

Although it's been a trend for quite some time, if you love color don't fret.  Some of the most recent Mrs. winners have won in beautiful color including - Mrs. America 2009 Andrea Robertson who competed in gold.  Mrs. International 2008 Laine Berry who won in a daring candy apple red gown and Mrs. Galaxy 2008 (and pageant coach phenom) Darlene Deeben competed and won in a fascinating sequined and tiger print gown.
Darlene Deeben, Mrs. Galaxy 2008

Just because something may be the it, thing to do - doesn't mean it's for you. Bottom line, pick the gown that works BEST for you - your body type, your style, personality and frame.  It's not the gown that makes the woman, it SHOULD be the woman that makes the gown.

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